P1 - Dodatna naloga¶
from random import Random
from time import time
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process, Manager
processCount = int(input("Amount of processes (%s): " % cpu_count()) or cpu_count())
calcRange = range(0, int(input("Use seeds from 0 to (9999): ") or 9999) + 1)
# start credits: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2130035/11276254
calcRanges = []
calcRangesAvg = len(calcRange) / float(processCount)
calcRangesLast = 0.0
while calcRangesLast < len(calcRange):
calcRanges.append(calcRange[int(calcRangesLast):int(calcRangesLast + calcRangesAvg)])
calcRangesLast += calcRangesAvg
# end credits
def tryRange (tIndex, range, data):
print("Process started: %2s; range: %s" % (tIndex, range))
timestart = time()
threadRandom = Random()
minThrows = 999999999
minSeed = 0
for sIndex in range:
countThrow = 0
countFive = 0
pos = 0
while (countFive < 100):
throwVal = threadRandom.randint(1, 6)
pos = (pos + throwVal) % 6
if (pos == 5):
countFive += 1
countThrow += 1
if (countThrow < minThrows):
minThrows = countThrow
minSeed = sIndex
timeend = time()
data.append((minSeed, minThrows, ))
print("Process ended: %2s; min throws: %4s; with seed: %6s; runtime: %6s sec" % (tIndex, minThrows, minSeed, timeend - timestart))
if __name__ == "__main__":
mainStart = time()
with Manager() as manager:
data = manager.list()
threads = [None] * processCount
for tIndex in range(processCount):
threads[tIndex] = Process(target=tryRange, args=(tIndex, calcRanges[tIndex], data, ))
print("Process created: %2s" % tIndex)
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
mainEnd = time()
min = (0, 9999999)
for i in data:
if (i[1] < min[1]):
min = i
print("\n\nGenerated the min. value of %s with seed %s in %s sec" % ( min[1], min[0], mainEnd - mainStart ))
Zadnja posodobitev:
February 27, 2022